Monday, September 30, 2024

For Boys who Struggle with Darkness by Richard Schwindt is available NOW!

Award winning author Richard Schwindt's newest Magnolia Bluff Crime Chronicles book is now available. For Boys who Struggle with Darkness is the twenty-eighth in the series and Richard's third offering overall. 

His protagonist, Clinical psychologist Dr. Michael Kurelek is not your average fighter of crime. But as anyone who is familiar with Magnolia Bluff knows, the police force is not always the best option when it comes to solving crimes that involve anything more than a traffic ticket. This time around Kurelek is dealing with emotions caused by the recent beating, during a home invasion, of his best friend while also having to cope with the return of a former colleague who he helped put behind bars for murder.

Richard is no stranger to writing engaging mysteries, having done so with his The Death in Sioux Lookout trilogy, his Tony Price paranormal detective mysteries, and the unforgettable paranormal mystery, The Death of Brenda Martin. Any of these are well worth your time as a reader. Richard tells his stories in such a way that he will hook you in and keep you intrigued and interested from the first page to the last. 

Richard Schwindt is a social worker and therapist who lives in Kingston, Ontario. He not only writes wonderful works of fiction but has also penned several self-help books. His work is funny, provocative, and meant to entertain or provide help when you need it. He's been short listed twice in the international 3 Day Novel Contest. He won the outstanding book (self-help category) and Book of the Year (3rd) in the 2016 Independent Authors Network Book of the Year Awards for Emotional Recovery from Congenital Heart Disease. 


Here is the blurb for the book:

When Clinical psychologist Dr. Michael Kurelek's elderly best friend is savagely beaten in a home invasion, rage pushes him to the limits of his emotional control. After nearly choking a woman abuser to death in O'Garas bar, he turns his attention back to the new students at Burnet College, and his pregnant wife, Sue. But his anger - and the sociopathic attackers - don't go away. Locked out of the investigation by the Magnolia Bluff police department; Mike goes rogue, enlisting the help of friends, family, and two troubled young women with their own reason for vengeance.


Order your copy of For Boys who Struggle with Darkness by clicking here: MB Book 28

Find the entire Magnolia Bluff Crime Chronicles series here: MBCC Series


Fun Fact ➤ Richard is also an accomplished painter - he works in watercolor & acrylics

Learn more about Richard, his books, and get a look at more of his paintings here:


As always, I appreciate you taking the time to read my blog. And of course, your thoughts and comments are always welcome. ðŸ˜Š

You can find my books here: The Razzman Mystery Crime Files

Until next time...😎

Monday, August 19, 2024

The Ransom Enigma by Breakfield and Burkey

One of the most scorching months of the year is August, making it the perfect time to release the scorching hot new Magnolia Bluff Crime Chronicles book from the award-winning author team, Breakfield and Burkey. The Ransom Enigma is the twenty-seventh book in this fun to read crime fiction series and is available Tuesday August 20, 2024.

For those of you familiar with the writing duo's Enigma Series, you already know you're in for a high-tech ride. The Ransom Enigma is their third entry into the little town, dubbed by one fan of the series as "The Murder Capital of the World", Magnolia Bluff, Texas. 

This time around, JJ and Jo are celebrating the completion of their summer home by inviting all their friends and residents that they've met since first visiting the Texas Hill Country a few years ago. They chose Magnolia Bluff as the place to build their vacation paradise because it offers beautiful weather, gorgeous views, an inviting lake, and plenty of room to stretch out, relax, and go horseback riding. It also provides the privacy needed for an in-demand technology guru and his supermodel wife to fall off the grid whenever their work lives become too stressful.

But murder and mayhem seem to follow the couple whenever they're in town and this time is no exception.

Right now you can grab an ebook copy of The Ransom Enigma for a mere 99¢ by clicking here: Ransom


Here's the blurb from the book:

Jo and JJ Rodreguiz finished their vacation dream home in Magnolia Bluff. To celebrate their accomplishment, they invite the town residents to their homewarming.

Emails are sent. Lily Offers to provide all the side dishes to compliment the barbeque. Chief Tommy Jager bartends until the last guest leaves. The teenagers act as servers. Guests dance outside until the wee hours. Toasts are made to honor JJ and Jo's dearest friends. Max the Labrador will clean up the crumbles.

After the last guest departs, JJ finds a housewarming gift addressed to Jo. She excitedly opens it and gasps with dismay. Someone left behind not a present but a blackmail letter. Jo crumbles into tears, fearing they must sell and never return. Her outraged husband swears to kill the wretched blackmailer. Unfortunately, the Chief of Police cannot unhear the threat.

  • Two days later, the police find JJ unconscious next to a dead man.
  • Who will help navigate this investigation?
  • Who knows the blackmailer?
All the world's problems rest on her shoulders as her greatest love lies in a coma.


I am looking forward to reading about JJ and Jo's latest turmoil in Magnolia Bluff. The little town with a proclivity for murder. Just like all the books in the series, you can read this as a standalone. However, just like any series, reading the books in sequence enables you to uncover all the hints in each story, which helps you grasp the individuality of the town's characters and how they interact throughout the series. 


You can find out more about Breakfield and Burkey's books, contests, FREE stuff, as well as snippets of their stories, book trailers, and audible sections by visiting their website here: The Enigma Series


You can check out all the books in the
Magnolia Bluff Crime Chronicles series here: MBCC Series
Plenty of good stories - Plenty of good reading


As always, I appreciate you taking the time to read my blog. And of course, your thoughts and comments are always welcome. ðŸ˜Š

You can find my books here: The Razzman Mystery Crime Files

Until next time...😎

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Is Summer Over? I Hope Not!

How is it August already? Incredibly, we are more than halfway through the summer. A local weather newscaster this morning told the viewing audience not to worry, there are only fifty more days left of summer. Fall is on the way, he said. I couldn't believe it. Summer just began, how could there be so little of it left? I even went to my calendar and counted the days for myself. I counted forty-six days, so it's ending even faster than the weather guy is promoting on his TV show. 

The part about his comment that really hit me, however, was the way he said it. His tone inferred that we are all just sitting in our homes huddled around the air conditioner waiting for the first leaves to tumble out of the trees. That we're looking ahead fondly to the idea of crisp air and the temperatures that cause that chill in the air.

Now, I for one, still have a lot on my summer agenda. I am not quite ready for the muted brown and orange colors that represent the fall season. I'm still enjoying the summer Olympics. There are still parties to be had out by my pool, drinks to be guzzled by the lake, and cook outs that play the sweet sounds of the fat and juices popping and dripping off a nice steak, or a mouthwatering burger as they hit the hot coals beneath. I'm heading up to my hometown of Syracuse in a couple of weeks to visit with family and attend one of the best state fairs in the country. There will be plenty of sun, fun, and food while I'm there. They know how to enjoy the summer season in central New York. There's so little of it, they have to savor every moment.

This year, summer officially ends when the sun sets on September 21st and rises on September 22nd signifying the true beginning of the autumn season. Although for me, the summer season ends in October on the last day of the World Series, signifying the end of MLB for another year. When the boys of summer are done, then so be it, bring on the fall.

The problem is that all of the retail world starts celebrating the fall season in mid-August. They break out all the pumpkin spice stuff and start stocking their shelves with Halloween candy, costumes, and decorations. Don't misunderstand me--I love the fall season. I just want to celebrate it when summer is actually over... not before.

When I was a kid, the new school year didn't begin until after Labor Day. My grandkids went back to school this week. In August. In the middle of the summer. As much as I agree that our children need a good, solid, education, I think that starting the school year in early August is a bit much. Our kids also need to be able to play and explore and grow outside the confines of the classroom. Once their time in school ends and they are full-fledged adults, they will have plenty of time to work during the summer. Why rob them of the sweet pleasures of childhood by taking a month away from their summers? But I digress...

We wait all year long to be able to let our hair down and cut loose a little bit during the summertime. Why rush it to end? Why drive a steamroller over the beautiful sights, sounds, and smells of summer? In a way, by rushing toward the fall season during the summertime, aren't we actually also rushing away our lives? I'm not a young man anymore. I do not need the world pushing against my back to take me out of summer and into fall. Let me meander over when the season arrives in its own time. Then I'll be all in and enjoy all the pumpkins, apples, cider, and Halloween candy one man can stand. Just not pumpkin spice drinks. Sorry... not a fan.

The summer is rushing by fast enough on its own. Let's not help it.


As always, I appreciate you taking the time to read my blog. And of course, your thoughts and comments are always welcome. ðŸ˜Š

You can find my books here: The Razzman Mystery Crime Files

Until next time...😎

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Get to Know a Little About Me and My New Release - Catch a Tiger by the Toe - By Joe Congel

Last year I entered the world of the Magnolia Bluff Crime Chronicles when my first novel for the series was released in August 2023. 

Second Chances was well received, and I have all of my readers and the support of my fellow Underground Authors to thank for that. My main character, Brandon Turner, packed up his life in New York City and found himself a home in small town Magnolia Bluff, Texas. He'd spent many years as a narcotics detective for the NYPD before making the decision to retire. There's only so much big city crime and the problems and accusations that come along with it that one man can take.

So what happens? He moves to a small town in the Texas Hill Country that rivals the body count per capita of the city he just left behind. And of course, as soon as the local police find out who he is and what he used to do for a living, they immediately tap on his shoulder for help solving a murder. 

Now, almost a year later, he's settled into his new home and enjoying his retirement. But not for long...

Catch a Tiger by the Toe: Magnolia Bluff Crime Chronicles, Book 26 is my newest entry into a mystery series that's now three years strong. I've ramped up the action in this one. I believe it's an exciting suspense-filled mystery-thriller that will keep you up turning the pages long past your bedtime.

The release date is Tuesday July 23, 2024

I'm looking forward to getting this book into your hands and I'm hoping you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

Preorder your copy TODAY for the limited time price of 99¢ by clicking here: Catch a Tiger


Here is the blurb from the back cover of the book:

Two kids dead. A killer daring the Magnolia Bluff police to catch him. Who will win this deadly contest between good and evil?

A child is snatched from her stroller and murdered. Seventy-two hours later, a little boy suffers the same fate. The only clues are a couple of photos, an old counting nursery rhyme, a flash drive, and a stuffed toy animal left near each of the bodies. Is it the work of a killer preying on children--or something even worse? Retired NYPD detective Brandon Turner is in a race against time as he hunts for a killer--before another child dies.

Once again asked to work alongside the local police, Turner finds himself clashing with the lead investigator as they set their sights on stopping a madman killer who is forcing them into a sick game of "catch me if you can."

Police Chief Tommy Jager and Sergeant Investigator Reece Sovern are counting on Turner's skills as a former big city cop to help them rein in the terror in the hearts of every parent in a little town nestled along the Texas Hill Country called Magnolia Bluff.


A little about me:

I was born in Syracuse, NY and spent the first thirty-five years of my life battling the exceedingly long winters and enjoying the few days of summer that creep in between the snowflakes each year. 

Now I call Charlotte, NC home. Been here since 1995. Great weather nearly year-round. I can honestly say I have never unpacked the winter parka I brought from New York. Light jacket or a sweatshirt occasionally, but most of the time, I wear a Hawaiian shirt and shorts. The mandatory retirement outfit men wear when living in the south... Lol.

I helped raise two wonderful kids who've grown to become two extraordinary adults. I am enormously proud of them both and feel privileged to be their dad. I've also been blessed with three amazing grandchildren. I'm a very lucky man.

When I was a much younger person, I was a pretty good tennis player. My creaky arthritic knees have robbed me of that pleasure, but I keep up with the sport and watch all the major tournaments during the year. I'm also a BIG baseball fan. Most summer evenings you will find me watching an MLB game on television or if the local MiLB team is home, you might find me at the ballpark watching the game while enjoying a hotdog and a beer. I've been to several major league games in several different major league ballparks over the years. One of my biggest baseball highlights was going to a World Series game with my son a couple of years ago.

I own several guitars - my favorite being my Gibson SG '61 reissue (if you know, you know) and even used to play in a band--mostly (classic) rock and roll--and I'm still known to pluck a little here and there.

My writing -

I'm a member of the Underground Authors, the WolfPackAuthors, the Charlotte Writers Club and Sisters in Crime International as well as the local Charlotte chapter, Queen City Suspects.

I've written several short stories - mostly for myself. I do have a short story included in each of the two WolfPackAuthors anthology books as well as a collection of shorts I self-published. You can find them all on my Amazon page here: Joe's Books

Besides penning two Magnolia Bluff books, I also have a PI/Detective Mystery series. It's called The Razzman Mystery Crime Files and stars my sometimes-snarky private eye, Tony Razzolito AKA the Razzman. He's joined by his girlfriend, Karen Daugherty, his partner in the PI biz, Scott McHenry, a tough as nails, soft as silk police captain, Rita O'Connor, John Cahill, a police detective that doesn't think much of PI's, his partner, Detective Lucy Havens, who keeps him grounded, and a semi-mob connected enforcer, Vinnie Gabrianno. Mixed all together, they help me write, what I think is a pretty darn good private detective mystery series. Of course, you're welcome to judge for yourself by clicking here where you can learn more about the books and maybe even read a few: Razzman Series

The Razzman Mystery Crime Files Series
- A Modern Take on the Hardboiled Detective -


You can check out all the books in the 

Magnolia Bluff Crime Chronicles series here: MBCC Series

Plenty of good stories - Plenty of good reading


As always, I appreciate you taking the time to read my blog. And of course, your thoughts and comments are always welcome. ðŸ˜Š

You can find my books here: The Razzman Mystery Crime Files

Until next time...😎

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Meet Author April Nunn Coker: Newest member of The Underground Authors

Author April Nunn Coker's first Magnolia Bluff Crime Chronicles novel, Just Dying to Glamp is releasing this week on Thursday June 20th. It's available for preorder NOW. Although this is the first book she's written for the series, it is book 25 overall. As a member of the Underground Authors myself, I am proud to welcome her into the fold. 

I had the opportunity to preview some of Just Dying to Glamp, and I'm very excited for April's work to be a part of the Magnolia Bluff Crime Chronicles family. This is a wonderful addition to the series, and I know you're all going to love it!

You can get your copy of Just Dying to Glamp for the limited time price of just 99¢ by clicking here: MBCC - book 25

April is an accomplished writer with several published books under her belt, including her romantic suspense series, The Keeper Trilogy, inspired by her husband's life as a zookeeper. She has been writing since the age of ten, but it was many years before her dream of becoming a published author came true. She was a public school teacher and administrator for thirty years and raised two children along with her husband, whom she recently lost to Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

Her first book, published in 2006, was a tongue-in-cheek guide to saving money at Christmas time. It was born out of her need to respond to an especially hectic holiday season where she exhausted herself spending and doing way too much. 

April is also a freelance writer, whose work has appeared in professional education journals, teacher magazines, and a society magazine. She resides in East Texas with her Boston terrier Stella and stays busy writing, glamping, traveling, tutoring, thrift shopping, and spending time with her three grandchildren. 

You can learn more about April and find all of her books here: April's Amazon Page


Here is the blurb from Just Dying to Glamp:

For Newly widowed Mamie West, it's time to get out of the house and do something. She has no

idea what she is getting herself into.

After buying the vintage camper of her dreams at a local used car lot, she joins the Gals Gone Glamping. At her first campout, one of the Three Gees is found murdered in her own campsite. Mamie soon discovers a cryptic note in the woman's RV, but when the same note is left for her, she becomes the sleuth, trying to figure out who the killer is before she becomes the next victim. Along with her sidekick, Boston terrier Babs, she captures the interest of Magnolia Bluff police officer, Nick Vandegan, who not only investigates the murder but is willing to offer his protection to women, especially Mamie.

Who would want to kill an innocent, fun-loving, adventurous woman on a camping trip?

Will Mamie's curiosity and determination to solve the mystery get her more than she bargained for?


You can find all the Magnolia Bluff Crime Chronicles mystery books by clicking here: MBCC Series


As always, I appreciate you taking the time to read my blog. And of course, your thoughts and comments are always welcome. ðŸ˜Š

You can find my books here: The Razzman Mystery Crime Files

Until next time...😎

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Keeping Myself Sharp - What I've Learned by Writing Short Stories

When I first decided to be a writer, I went all in and started with a full-length novel. I had no idea what I was doing and figured, how hard could it be? I'd been reading fiction novels forever and, in some cases, just felt I could do a better job at it than a particular New York Times bestselling author who had probably been writing since I was in diapers and had several books to his name. I had an awful lot of confidence for someone who hadn't put a word on a page since getting out of school. Yet, I was going to knock this guy off the bestseller's list.

Now as any writer who's been practicing their craft for any length of times knows, I was in for a rude awakening and several hard lessons. Fast forward several years and having written five full-length fiction novels at this point, with my sixth being released this July, I've picked up a few things along the way. First and foremost, I believe I'm a much better writer than I was when I wrote Dead is Forever. Second, I've worked hard to keep any lessons learned and skills I've gained sharp since that first book, by writing short stories in between the full-length stuff. And third, I've still got a lot to learn.

I've written many shorts over the years. I've published a few, but most have never seen the light of day. Scribbles on my Word program meant for my eyes only. They were not written with any thought of publication. The sole responsibility of these works of fiction are simply to keep my head in the game between my actual writing projects.

Writing a short piece of fiction can be cathartic as well as educational for me. Some of the stories are much darker than others and allow me an outlet for when I'm feeling anything short (pun intended) of amazing... which happens often. Writing short stories between the full novels also helps me from coming down with a severe case of writer's block. It keeps the juices flowing and my mind thinking outside the box.

I enjoy the process of working through scaling down a story to fit a self-imposed, predetermined word or page count. It forces me to get to the heart of the action. It helps me to understand how far along the conflict or pain or life changing event my protagonist is experiencing should be when the story begins. It also keeps me in tune on where I need to exit the narrative, leaving the reader to understand the character's world continues beyond the ending. The shorts still need structure with some sort of beginning, middle, and end, but the art is in how to become more succinct in telling the character's story in as little as a hundred words or up to maybe a max of five-thousand words. You begin to grasp what details need to stay and what needs to be left out. You lose the luxury of having a lot of words at your disposal to describe a scene or how a character is dressed -- learning the skill of using the right words to quickly create a picture in a reader's mind becomes a necessity. Less becomes more with the ability to rely on your readers to fill in the blanks.

Who knows? Maybe one day I'll package up some of the shorts I consider to be worthy of being read by others and put them into an anthology or two. But for now, I'm happy to just let them continue to help me improve my craft by keeping my mind and focus sharp, and I hope, each book I write better than the last.  


As always, I appreciate you taking the time to read my blog. And of course, your thoughts and comments are always welcome. ðŸ˜Š

You can find my books here: The Razzman Mystery Crime Files

Until next time...😎


Monday, May 20, 2024

Book Twenty-Four is now LIVE! Courtin' Disaster by Cindy Davis - Magnolia Bluff Crime Chronicles

Courtin' Disaster is not just a beautiful ballad by Neil Diamond, it's also the title of the newest Magnolia Bluff Crime Chronicles novel by Cindy Davis. This is Cindy's fourth book in the series and it's terrific. If you've read any of the other books she's written for the series, you're aware of Bliss Jager's strange relationship with song lyrics. This time around, as you might've guessed, she can't escape the Neil Diamond song catalog. Hopefully, between the clues found inside the song lyrics and the clues provided by Diablo, her super perceptive toucan, Bliss will be able to help catch a murderer.

You can get your copy of Courtin' Disaster for the limited time price of just 99¢ by clicking here: MBCC Book 24


Here is the blurb from the book:

Can a yellow throat toucan, and lyrics from Neil Diamond songs, help Bliss solve the murder of a local woman competing in the annual fishing derby?

The phone rings at the crack of dawn. Life for Bliss, Whitney, and Hannah shoots rapidly out of control. First, the only fisherman at the derby is found in her ex-husband's BBQ smoker. Even though Lucy's less-than-sparkling personality offers up a truly diverse group of suspects, her on-again-off-again relationship with the ex makes him the leading suspect. But was it possible for the 120-pounds-soaking-wet man to lift the muscular woman alone?

Next, another murder--also a tournament competitor, and VP at the bank. As far as Bliss knows, the two people's lives never crossed. Is it a coincidence they both die of an insulin overdose? Strange that each of their spouses are diabetics.

A visit in the form of Whitney's deceased exe's brother drops another snag in the day. Nobody "just passes" through Magnolia Bluff, Texas. What's behind Matt's sudden appearance and persistent demands for money?

As the girls decode clues brought by Diablo the toucan, a Tibetan monk arrives to perform a ceremony to transition Merrick's ghost from the general store to the girls' home. Unfortunately, Matt's interference sends Merrick's spirit shooting into the ether. Can they get him back, or is he lost forever?


I love Cindy Davis's books. I have read several and she is a master storyteller. She is best known for her murder mysteries and romantic suspense, many of which were set in her home state of New Hampshire. Her books have achieved considerable success over the years. Now, a transplant of Florida, she has found herself moving more toward New Age fiction written with her husband Rick.

She is an award-winning freelance editor who's worked in both fiction and nonfiction with over a thousand authors.

You can learn more about Cindy and her work by visiting the following links:

Cindy's Blog

Cindy's Website

The Fiction Doctor



You can learn more about the entire series (and even buy a book or two)
 by clicking here: 


As always, I appreciate you taking the time to read my blog. And of course, your thoughts and comments are always welcome. ðŸ˜Š

You can find my books here: The Razzman Mystery Crime Files

Until next time...😎