Saturday, April 1, 2023

 Secondhand Bookstores

What is it about secondhand bookstores that make me so giddy? Is it the wonderful smell and look of all those books lining the shelves that hit my senses the minute I walk through the door? Could it be the discovery of books that have been enjoyed by other readers and then, instead of just collecting dust on a bookshelf in someone's garage or packed away in a box or crate to be forgotten, can now find their way into the hands of new readers looking to escape the drudgery of everyday life? Maybe it's the aisles and aisles of adventure, mystery, fantasy, self-help, biography, and history, and many other genres, that I can get lost in for an entire afternoon?

Yes! To all of the above.

A few years ago, it looked like the secondhand/used bookstore business had run its course. There were several in the greater Charlotte region that struggled and eventually closed their doors for good. And that was a shame. Three in the area were my favorites. Of the three, one is still open (so still a favorite) and the other two have been closed down for years. The one still open was forced out of the space they occupied for many years and had to scramble to regroup, finally finding a new storefront about two miles from the original location. Good that they were able to reopen, but sad that they considerably downsized during the move. The other two - one in Hickory, NC and the other in northeast Charlotte weren't so lucky. 

When I first moved to Charlotte back in 1995, the first bookstore I visited was the one in northeast Charlotte. It was a wonderful shop that was unfortunately located in a dead retail shopping plaza. I'm sure it wasn't always that way. But given the amount of traffic that traveled through that area by the time I discovered the store, it seemed like it was just a matter of time before they went the way of the other stores that once lived and thrived in that plaza. Sure enough, about six months after I'd found this wonderous shop of dreams, it was gone. The couple who had owned the store decided it was no longer worth staying open, and retired. 

The store in Hickory was located in a house on the main road that was reinvented into a marvelous bookstore that radiated warmth and comfort throughout every room. That store was a destination location for me as it was ninety minutes from my house. They had an amazing inventory, filling every room from floor to ceiling. We made the trip, usually by motorcycle, a couple of times a month and would stay all day. We'd ride up, arriving right after they opened and explore until lunchtime, grab a sandwich at a nearby diner, and then go back and lose ourselves for the rest of the afternoon, not leaving until closing time. I went into mourning when staying open was no longer a viable option for them. They were by far my favorite secondhand bookstore. Still are, and they've been closed for years. I'm tearing up just thinking about the incredible number of hours I spent digging through their vast inventory and the number of treasures I unearthed during those trips.

The bookstore that relocated and reopened has been able to stay open because they've adapted over the years, adding different events keeping them relevant in the eyes of the local author and reading communities. Book clubs and author critique groups meet there, and they have monthly author lectures and book signings, all designed to keep the public interested and coming through their doors. So far, it's seemed to work out pretty well for them.

The good news is there are still many of these awesome second hand/used bookstores out there in communities across the country. Where I live, it feels like a resurgence of sorts. Several bookstores have opened in recent years and have been building a steady business. We also have a number of independent bookstores, with Park Road Books being one of the best in the area, all offering the newest selection of fiction, non-fiction, bestsellers, and magazines. These and the secondhand/used bookstores are where I'd rather spend my money since I’m supporting locally owned businesses in the area. And that's always a win in my book.


I appreciate you taking the time to read my blog. And of course, your thoughts and comments are always welcome. 😊

Meanwhile, you can find my books here: The Razzman Mystery Crime Files

Until next time...😎

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