Thursday, May 18, 2023

Tougher Than the Rest 

I've invited Dave Murray, a very good friend of mine, to write a guest blog post for my blog. His is a story that I believe will inspire you. Life can be a bitch—we all know that. But life is also a gift. One that far too many of us take for granted.

Dave has written a book. It is a story about overcoming adversity. A story of how, when faced with insurmountable odds, you keep pushing forward. A story about determination and never giving up. A story about living your best life when you know the odds are not in your favor. A story about hope, strength, acceptance, and forgiveness. It is a serious story written with a good bit of humor... Because sometimes we just need a good laugh when life kicks us square in the face.

Dave was born with cystic fibrosis. A genetic disease that usually carries a death sentence at a very young age for the recipient. Dave’s journey has not always been an easy one. But I’ve never known him to be anything other than upbeat, funny, and strong. He is one of the strongest people I’ve ever known.

And this is his story: 

Joe Congel and I have been friends since (gulp) the Reagan administration. We are old. I am slightly older than Joe, and slightly younger than dirt. I remember dirt when it was new. Dirt was still clean, back then; you could eat off it. Thirty-two years ago, Joe and I collaborated on a humorous how-to-use-your-VCR book, “Housetraining Your VCR: A Help Manual For Humans,” which beat the Dummies books to market by a few months. I wrote the text and Joe drew the illustrations--eventually. Joe was a bit of a slacker back then. I used to threaten to hold his young daughter, Rita, off his second-story porch by her ankles until he finished his pictures. I think I was kidding.

My name is Dave Murray and I will be sixty-seven in July (I told you I was old), which is really old when you consider I was born with cystic fibrosis, the most common fatal genetic disease in the United States today. The current average life expectancy for CF patients is around forty years. I have been lucky; I was born with a mild case that bought me lots of time. Then, just about when I was about to run out of time, a very gracious family in the throes of immeasurable grief made an incredibly selfless decision to donate the organs of their loved one. In my case, I received a pair of life-saving new lungs that literally saved my life.

That was almost nineteen years ago. I don’t have to tell you what I’ve seen, how the world has changed, in those nineteen years; after all, you were here too. The iPhone! Streaming! Obama! Uh, not-Obama. Chat GPT!, which is writing this post you are reading puny humans bow to your technological mast.

 Maybe I’ll skip A.I for now.

I used to hear, “When are you going to write again?” (I wrote for the legendary Syracuse NY alternative newspaper, The Syracuse New Times for years, both before and after the book). I used to say I didn’t have anything I wanted to write about, and I never thought I did, until about a year ago. Last April, I started work on a novel, based on my own challenging life story, but the heart of the story is centered around the time leading up to the transplant. I cover all of the science, I hope clearly, but also the humanity of someone with end-stage lung disease. I put you there, with him.

The name of the book has changed about seventy times (By the time you read this it might be called Harry Potter and the New Lungs, for all I know) but I think I have a title I can live with. There’s a Bruce Springsteen song on his Tunnel of Love album, from about 1987, and the protagonist is talking to a girl. No, he isn’t the richest, he tells her, or the most handsome, or the smoothest talker. But, he promises, he will be there at the end, because he’s tougher than the rest.

    Tougher Than the Rest.

A lung transplant, any solid organ transplant is not for the faint of heart; it is a serious operation that offers a miraculous chance at a new life. A transplant is unnatural in a very fundamental way. The body’s immune system has evolved over millions of years to stay vigilant against any foreign invaders, and it does a spectacular job. When a surgeon sutures a foreign organ (or a pair of organs) into place, the body immediately hates it and wants it out of there.  The immune system, then, has to be tamped down, enough to prevent chronic rejection of the donated organ, but not so much that other opportunistic bacteria gain a foothold.

My body has been walking a tightrope for nineteen years. For that whole time (and for the rest of my life) I have taken and will take a daily regimen of about twenty pills and other meds. The most important of those are the powerful anti-rejection drugs, but I also take steroids, antibiotics, anti-fungals, antivirals, blood pressure medicines and insulin shots for diabetes.  I have moderate kidney disease (and am lucky it’s only moderate, frankly) and I am at increased risk of certain types of cancer.

I traded one set of problems for another--a trade I gladly made.

I am hoping that Tougher Than the Rest will appeal to everyone. In many ways, my life is not so different from yours.  I’ve loved, and lost, had good jobs, and bad. My sense of humor has kept me going when not much else did, and that is reflected here. Much of the humor is dark, as you might expect. There are wild experiences, struggles, triumphs and setbacks, bad cars and good friends, and bad luck.

But an awful lot of great luck.      

Finally, a few words about Joe Congel. Joe’s work ethic improved, a lot, when he decided he would rather write than draw. The world is better for it. He is a talented and prolific writer and has written four “Razzman Chronicles” crime mysteries, each one better than the last, and has also appeared in numerous other anthologies. He writes smart, well-plotted, engaging stories that are a delight to read. I take great pride in the fact that Joe often asks me to read his early drafts and offer my opinions. But you know all that already.

But I’m proud to call him my friend, and I thank him for providing this venue to sort-of tell my own story. If you’d like to read a serialized version of Tougher Than the Rest, I post a few pages every week on my blog, The Ego Has Landed (

Thanks for reading,

Dave Murray


I encourage you to check out Dave's blog. Excerpts from his book are there, along with some other great stuff! Click here: Dave's blog

If you'd like to learn more about cystic fibrosis, click here: Learn more about CF

If you'd like to make a donation to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, click here:

I appreciate you taking the time to read my blog. And of course, your thoughts and comments are always welcome. 😊

Meanwhile, you can find my books here: The Razzman Mystery Crime Files

Until next time...😎

Thursday, May 4, 2023

 Meet Underground Author, K. D. McNiven

I've been spending a lot of my time in Magnolia Bluff this year. Between writing a book for this wonderful series and reading the books by the other contributing authors, in a way, I feel like I've moved to the Texas Hill Country. Of course, if I lived in this quaint little town, I'd have to keep my head on a swivel just to make certain no one was trying to kill me. Murder seems to be a regular occurrence in Magnolia Bluff. 

As one of the newer members of the Underground Authors, I was pleased when I heard that K.D. McNiven had signed on to write a book for the series. For anyone not familiar with McNiven's work, she is a multi-genre author who has not one, not two, but three fabulous series under her belt, as well as two standalone novels.

I've been a fan of this author for quite some time and have enjoyed her Decker and Callie Adventure series and her Detective Brock Scanlin Files series. I have Sheba's Treasure, the first book in her Sam Carter series downloaded on my Kindle. I've also read her two standalone novels - Science Fiction/Jurassic thriller, Bone Quarry and Paranormal Adventure, India Dymond: Order of Nine and loved them both. And I know now that she's completed her 2023 Magnolia Bluff mystery, she's hard at work writing the third Brock Scanlin novel.

She has written a wonderful book for The Magnolia Bluff Crime Chronicles series. Who Killed Lilly Paine? is book 13 and will be released on May 20, 2023, and I can't wait to read it.

Here is the blurb from the back cover:

Deputy Detective Madeline (Maddy) Dawson returns home to take a new job with Magnolia Bluff's Sheriff's Department. But when she discovers the body of a family friend in Miller Creek, Maddy finds her life turned upside down.

While navigating a tough case offering little evidence, Maddy becomes a target.

As she and fellow detective Clay Monroe set out to investigate, she is confronted with dead ends, relationship issues, attempts on her life, and demons from her past. Can Maddy overcome the war raging inside as she desperately searches for answers in this challenging and dangerous case?


If you've read any of McNiven's books, you already know that she is a terrific storyteller. She has shown her ability to grasp the reader's attention by writing great stories filled with action, adventure, and mystery, told through characters with depth and personalities that make you care about what happens to them. 

If you have not discovered the many worlds of K.D. McNiven yet, do yourself a favor by whetting your appetite with one of her titles below while you're waiting for the release of Who Killed Lilly Paine?

You can learn more about K.D. McNiven and her books by visiting her website here: K.D.'s Website

And you can get your own copy of one (or more) of McNiven's books by clicking here: K.D.'s Amazon Page



I appreciate you taking the time to read my blog. And of course, your thoughts and comments are always welcome. 😊

Meanwhile, you can find my books here: The Razzman Mystery Crime Files

Until next time...😎