New Year - New Projects - Renewed Passion
So, here we are at the end of the old year, and as I write this, we are just hours away from leaping into the new year. But this year, there is a big difference for yours truly as we move into 2023. I am now semi-retired and have more time to write. I'm not going to belabor the semi-retired part of this since I've already written about that in previous posts. What I would like to say, however, is that this time, with this crossover to the fresh, new year, it feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. In the past, I felt like I always had good intentions when it came to what I wanted to accomplish in each new year. I would create this list of what I wanted to do, how I wanted to do it, and the timeline I would get it done within. I would make promises and commit to self-imposed deadlines that turned out to be unrealistic for one reason or another. Like I said... good intentions. But like the saying, the road is paved with good intentions, I always seemed to fall short of my own expectations regarding what I wanted to accomplish.
I had a pretty good 4th quarter in 2022. I stopped working full-time and now only work part-time a couple of days and a few hours a week. I joined the Charlotte Writer's Club here in my hometown, I was asked to join the Underground Authors, which included an invitation to write a book in the Magnolia Bluff Crime Chronicles series, I joined a writer's critique group, I've made tremendous progress on book 4 in my crime fiction/PI series, counting this one, I've written ten blog posts in 2022 which is one more written than in the previous three years combined, I finally had the courage to submit one of my books for an award and actually won an award in the crime fiction category, and last, but by no means, least, I've been able to ramp up my grandpa time with my three adorable grandkids. Overall, the last few months of 2022 was the most productive time period of my year and also turned out to be a time for me to begin to redesign some things. I've redesigned my schedule, my health habits, and my attitude. Quite frankly, I think I've become a nicer person. Something that happens when you are able to finally take time to breathe and work on yourself.
So here are some of the things I will aspire to accomplish in 2023:
The tough stuff -
The biggest personal challenge I have to overcome in 2023 has to do with the mindset I've had about my own mortality since my dad passed away back in 1997. He was just 64 years old when he died. I have dreaded 2023 arriving for years as it is the year that I turn 64 years old. It might sound silly, but until I turn 65 years old in 2024, and am still breathing, it will more than likely continue to weigh on me. Of course, there are some key differences between my dad and me when it comes to our health and wellness. My father died of throat and mouth cancer related to the fact that he was a heavy smoker for almost his entire life and worked at a factory/foundry breathing in all the crap that kind of job had to offer in every eight hour shift he worked during his almost four decade run with them. He was also not one to consult his doctor for anything. Rather, he would try to self-diagnose with a medical dictionary spread out on the dining room table. He lived in an era where men would rather die than admit weakness by going to see a doctor. My family loves to remind me, by pointing out that I have had none of these same issues. I've never smoked and have never worked in a job that was possibly dangerous to my health. And, I suppose, because of what I witnessed with my father, I have regular yearly checkups and will consult a doctor anytime something is clearly off. Still, the closer I get to my birthday, the more it pops into my thoughts. But, I have supportive people around me, so I will get through it and beat my mindset into submission.
The good stuff -
I get to spend more time spoiling my grandkids than I did last year
I will have no less than two new books published in 2023. That's two more than in 2021 and one more than in 2022.
I'm working on an idea for a serial on Kindle Vella (probably the second half of the year)
I'll be participating in some book readings throughout the year as part of the Charlotte Writer's Club
I will read and review more Indie Author books this year than last year
All-in-all, I am looking forward to the new year. I am more passionate about my writing than I have been in years, I'm feeling better than I have in the last few years, and I can't wait to see all the good things (and a little of the not-so-good) things that 2023 has in store for me.đ
I appreciate you taking the time to read my blog... And of course, thoughts and comments are always welcome!đ
You can find my books here: Joe Congel/Amazon